Canada is facing work force shortages because many people are retiring. To make up for this Canada is now inviting over 430,000 immigrants for Canada Permanent Residents in 2022 for every major employment sector.
Well Canada need immigrants as the Canada’s labour force shrank in June, because a large number of people are retiring after turning 55. And 10 lakh job vacancies are generated in Canada due to Summer.
Recently a survey conducted by RBC survey suggested one third of Canadians (around 90 Lakh Canadians) would be retiring early during this decade due to pandemic or old age.
Canada Permanent Residents in 2022 :
Cities with highest additional vacancies:
One more recent survey shows data of job vacancies available, 30,000 jobs in Ontario and 2,500 jobs in in Manitoba. And many more in Quebec, British Columbia.
These cities are providing jobs with an average monthly salary ranging between 3000 – 5000 CAD.
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Fields with most vacancies:
Service Sector: Educational service, Healthcare and social assistance have most jobs after getting affected by pandemic and retiring with over 17,000 additional vacancies. Overall vacancies have risen sharply to 143,000 vacancies.
Construction Industry: Over 17,500 jobs were lost in May 2022, in construction industry in Ontario.
Retail Trade Sector: Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, British Columbia and Newfoundland and Labrador all reported increases in retail trade employment and its around 6% higher than last year.
Technical services sector: Professional, scientific, and technical services sectors have showed growth in every province and 10,000 jobs were added, all these jobs are related to computer systems design and related services.
Accommodation and Food Service: Both Nova Scotia and Manitoba had job vacancy rates of over 10% in May, largely within the accommodation and food services sector which reported 161,000 job vacancies.
Increase in average weekly earnings:
Average weekly earnings for employees are up by 2.5% from April report. While the work hours remain same. Retail trade sector saw an earning increase of over 9.3%, for professional, scientific and technical services are up by 8.1%.
Low unemployment and high job vacancies:
Canada has over 10 lakh jobs but recently additional 300,000 vacancies are created due to many factors. The high job vacancy rate, combined with the low unemployment rate outlined by the Labour Force Survey for May 2022, points to a growing labour shortage in several sectors and an increased need for immigration in Canada as its workforce reaches retirement age.
Canada’s is currently planning to invite its highest ever number of permanent residents in 2022 with a target of over 430,000. The target will continue to rise to over 450,000 in 2024.
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